Regular Articles
Maximum length: 5,000 words counting only the Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.
Abstract length: 400 words.
Figures: All in digital format, maximum of 10 figures.
References: Maximum of 45 references that are truly relevant
Most research publication fall in this category. Regular Articles must include the following sections:
- Abstract (to highlight your most important messages)
- Introduction (to provide background that is unique to the subject matter)
- Methods (to describe the methodology you used in your work)
- Results
- Discussion
- Acknowledgements
- Authorship Contributions
- Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest
- References
- Tables
- Figure Legends
- Figures
- Visual Abstract
Case Reports:
Maximum length: 1,500 words (excluding the references)
Abstract length: 400 words.
Figures: All in digital format, maximum of 4 figures.
References: Maximum of 15 references that are truly relevant
Single-case reports or small case series are encouraged and considered for publication in Keloid Research. Case Report must include the following sections:
- Key Points
- Introduction
- Case description
- Methods
- Results and discussion
- Acknowledgements
- Authorship Contributions
- Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest
- References
- Tables
- Figure Legends
- Figures
- Visual Abstract (optional)
Review Articles:
Review Articles are welcomed by the Journal and are generally solicited by the Editor in Chief. Authors wishing to submit an unsolicited Review Article are invited to contact the Editor in Chief ( prior to submission in order to screen the proposed topic for relevance and priority, given other review articles that may already be in preparation.
Review Articles should focus on recent scientific or clinical advances in an area of broad interest to those in the field of keloid research. Such articles must be concise and critical and should include appropriate references to the literature. All Review Articles, including those solicited by the Editors, are rigorously peer reviewed before a final publication decision is made.
Review Articles should not exceed 5,000 words in length; the abstract must not exceed 500 words; submission of a visual abstract is optional; we recommend a limit of 100 references. These articles should have no more than 3 authors. Permission to include more than 3 authors must be granted by the Editor in Chief. The use of tables and color figures to summarize critical points is encouraged; the Journal may offer assistance with preparation or improvement of figures by professional illustrators, once the article is accepted.
Point-Counterpoint is a debate-based article whereby two individuals, or two groups, each present contrasting opinions on a particular topic in order to highlight an important biological, clinical or therapeutic debate as it applied to keloid disorder. These articles are intended to present different opinions about an important topic with the intent of informing our readers and to stimulate discussion and dialogue.
These articles should be no more than 2,500 words each and should review important scientific works that form the basis of a particular opinion with appropriate references. Point-Counterpoint articles have no abstract. There can be up to two figures or tables. There will also be an opportunity for interested readers to offer comments and share their own opinions in an open online format. Journal will publish relevant comments on its website.
Keloid Research Commentary:
Keloid Research accepts original communications that bring out a focused but novel or important message on basic or clinical topics in keloid research but also contain significant new insight. Commentaries include no more than 1,500 words of text, 15 references, and 2 figures or tables. Commentaries have no abstract. A clear title is required.
Letter to the Editor:
Keloid Research accepts Letters to the Editor on almost any topic related to clinical and basic science research in keloid disorder. Letters to the Editor include no more than 1,500 words of text, 15 references, and 2 figures or tables. Commentaries have no abstract. A clear title is required.