Peer Review

The primary criteria by Keloid Research for judging the acceptability of a manuscript are its quality, novelty, and scientific importance. However, editorial decisions are based not just on the technical merits of the work, but also on factors such as priority for publication, presentation of the material, and relevance to the field of keloid research.

At the discretion of the Editors, a manuscript may be rapidly rejected if it is deemed to be outside the scope of the journal. All manuscripts are judged in relation to other submissions currently under consideration.

Manuscripts that have passed the initial screening will be reviewed by members of the Editorial Board and/or other experts in the field. The Journal Editors select reviewers and make the final decision on the manuscript. Reviewers will remain unknown to the authors at all times. Every manuscript is treated by the Editors and reviewers as privileged information, and they are instructed to exclude themselves from review of any manuscript that may involve a conflict of interest.

Revised Manuscripts

Following initial peer review, articles judged worthy of further consideration often require revisions, including an additional explanation of the work that was submitted or new experimentation for basic science research. However, articles requiring extensive revisions will be at a disadvantage. Revised manuscripts should be received within 3 months of the date on the initial decision e-mail or they will be considered as a new submission, with a separate manuscript number and submission fee.  An extension beyond this 3-month period may be granted in order to complete time-consuming new experiments requested by the reviewers, but such extensions must be requested from the Associate Editor at least 2 weeks before the end of the 3-month revision deadline.

If there are any changes to the manuscript’s authorship after the original submission (such as the addition or deletion of an author or a change in the order of authorship), contact the to Editorial office to request a change of authorship form.

Make sure all revisions are marked in the text document by using tools such as underlining, highlighting, and strikethrough.