Keloid Research adhered to the efforts of the National Academy of Sciences and encourages open sharing of publication-related data. As a condition of publication in Keloid Research, authors must make renewable materials, datasets, and protocols available to other investigators without unreasonable restrictions. Keloid Research adheres to the belief that authors should include in their publications the data, algorithms, or other information that are integral to the publication or make it freely and readily accessible. Authors should use public repositories for data whenever possible and make patented material available under a license for research use.
Deposition into public databases
Datasets must be accessible by reviewers and editors at the time of submission and must be publically available as of the date of publication, at which point Keloid Research requires that the following types of datasets be made available via community-endorsed platforms, such as those listed below. Accession numbers must be supplied parenthetically at a relevant location in text. As new technologies are developed, the journal reserves the right to request full dataset access as a condition of publication.
DNA/RNA gene sequences and high throughput mRNA, miRNA and other related datasets should be deposited with Genbank or European Nucleotide Archive.
DNA sequencing data, including traces for capillary electrophoresis and short reads for next-generation sequencing, deep sequencing data should be deposted wtih the NCBI trace and short-read archive, ENA’s Sequence Read Archive, GEO, or ArrayExpress.
mRNA gene expression microarrays and other high-throughput datasets including RNAseq, miRNA arrays, ChIP-chip arrays, CGH (comparative genomic hybridization), SNP arrays, protein arrays, SAGE, MPSS, and high-throughput quantitative sequence data shall all be deposited wtih GEO or ArrayExpress.
Keloid Research supports the efforts of the Microarray Gene Expression Data Society to standardize the presentation of microarray and other similar data. Data must be MIAME-compliant, as described at the MGED web site specifying microarray standards.
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Protein interaction data with IMEx consortium of databases
Chemical compound screening and assay data with PubChem